
Zombie Nights Horror or Paranormal Fantasy Premade Book Cover

This premade book cover design is by Shel and is of a young woman standing in a gloomy blue-green lit warehouse, peering over her shoulder as though something undead is about to pounce. It is perfect for a science fiction action/drama, fantasy, or romance.

Ebook only $80.  Paperback is an additional $30.

This ebook cover is a high-resolution file and is 1600×2400 pixels.  Fonts/texts effects are illustrative and you can request a change on both – no extra fee, just send the title/subtitle/ author name to the artist’s email.

Watermark is removed at purchase.

Purchase details of premade book covers.

This cover will never be sold again to anyone else.

I will send your ebook cover as a jpeg unless you also need a pdf copy.

For print: Please include book’s trim size (6″ x 9″/5.5″ x 8″), number of pages, and your back cover blurb. Print covers are sent as a pdf file unless otherwise specified.

Include title, author name and/or tagline during checkout time. This replaces the author name and title placeholders.

For more covers please visit Shel’s shop

