Pre-made Covers Now Available!

Bella Media ManagementWe’ve just started a new service for the budget-minded. Pre-made covers are now available at Bella Media Management for that author who needs to watch their budget.

Prices start from $35 and go up to $65. We will be continuously adding new stock […]

By |2017-04-20T16:27:18-07:00July 13th, 2014|Author Info, Covers|1 Comment

The Five Parts of Amazon

Amazon, Amazon, Amazon! This eRetailer sets the example for the power of online selling. Currently, the largest online retailer in the United States, Amazon did over 9 Billion in sales in the first Quarter of 2011. Not bad for a website that started out initially selling books.

We may wonder how these huge profits might benefit […]

By |2017-04-20T16:27:18-07:00February 10th, 2013|Author Info, Bella Media|1 Comment
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